2020 Ms. HAYASHI Yoko 林 洋子 氏

Art Historian, Arts and Culture Senior Specialist at the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
born 生まれ 1965
Main criteria in selecting HAYASHI Yoko 林 洋子 as JCATP recipient was her success in bringing two “war paintings” (戦争画) by painter and, in our opinion, war criminal Léonard Foujita (レオナール・フジタ) for the first time to an exhibition outside of Japan.
“Final Fighting on Attu”「アッツ島玉砕」(1943) and “Compatriots on Saipan Island Remain Faithful to the End”「サイパン島同胞臣節を全うす」(1945) had been prominently installed in her curated show “Foujita, Œuvres d’une vie (1886-1968)” in Paris, 2019.
– Chief curator of “Foujita: A Retrospective ― Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of his Death” Tokyo, Kyoto 2018
展覧会の企画「没後50年 藤田嗣治展」東京、京都 2018年
– Book: “FOUJITA Tsuguharu Wartime Writings 1935-1956 – Compilation of Newspaper and Magazine Articles” 2018
書籍:「藤田嗣治 戦時下に書く ー 新聞・雑誌寄稿集 1935~1956年」2018年
– “Personally experiencing the Japanese-French Painter FOUJITA Tsuguharu in Paris” (written article in the Asahi Newspaper, Evening Edition, 2019/2/12 page 4)
「日仏の画家・藤田嗣治 パリで実感」朝日新聞夕刊、2019年2月12日、文化面、ページ 4
– “Foujita Exhibition A Fulfilled Wish” (Review by YAMAGUCHI Hiroko, in the Asahi Newspaper, Evening Edition, 2019/3/19 page 2)
「藤田展、果たされた宿願」山口宏子 朝日新聞夕刊、2019年3月19日、ページ 2
– Since 2015 curatorial practice @ “DOMANI: The Art of Tomorrow” (Contemporary Japanese Artists from the Overseas Study Program of the Agency for Cultural Affairs)
2015年 〜 キュラトリアル・プラクティス @「DOMANI・明日展 ー 文化庁新進芸術家海外研修制度の作家たち」
– Keynote Speech during the Presentation Ceremony of the 30th Takashimaya Cultural Foundation Art Award in 2020
基調演説 @ 第 30 回 タカシマヤ文化基金受賞の贈呈式、2020年
– Excellent networking in the local art scene; fine troubleshooter (damage limitation) in the context of the Aichi Triennale 2019