2023 Ms. IIDA Shihoko 飯田志保子 氏

Curator キュレーター
born 生まれ 1975
(photo courtesy ToLoLo studio)
Main criteria in selecting IIDA Shihoko 飯田志保子 as JCATP recipient was her professionalism as responsible chief curator regarding the organisation, the reopening, the transparency in communication, the “fire extinguisher” diplomacy with the excruciating Aichi Triennale 2019.
– Excellent networking in the local and global art scene. One special achievement is the endorsement of the Indonesian documenta 15 curatorial team
– Bridge builder with excellent communication skills, socially-wise and in English amongst international curators
– With the help of Mori Art Museum Director KATAOKA Mami 片岡真実, re-establishing the good reputation of the Aichi Triennale 2022
– Official curator of Japan participation for The 15th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2012
– Co-curator of “Japan. Body_Perform_Live – Resistance And Resilience In Japanese Contemporary Art” 2022, Milano, Italy